Eat Well - Live Well - Be Mindful
Mindful Journals
Mindful Journals are designed to get you actively moving in the direction of your Higher Self.
Every Mindful Journal is sold separately as a Four Week Self Study Journal Program.
Each journal is designed to help you integrate a specific mindfulness topic and intention. During the four week program you will be given a weekly topic which is designed to help you gradually integrate the Mindful Journal topic at hand.
Each Mindful Journal Program Includes:
1 Printable PDF which includes the whole four week program of your choosing. This PDF will roughly be 75-80 pages of content and will include all four weekly journals within it. Each individual weekly journal is roughly 15-20 pages.
Each weekly journal will include:
A Weekly Lesson: These will be based on the chosen weekly topic and are designed to help you understand the deeper meaning and purpose for each weeks journal topic.
A Weekly Mantra: Each week you will be give a mantra to recite every day of the week. These mantras are designed to help you integrate new ways of thinking based on our weekly goals and objectives.
A Journal Entry: These journal entries are two parts.
Part #1 is a series of short journal entry questions to get you thinking about how the topic at hand is expressing itself in your life.
Part #2 is a longer journal entry which requires deeper thought and are designed to lead new actions in your life.
An Intention in Action: The intention in action are specific activities you will accomplish that week to help intergrate the weekly topics in your everyday life. Each week will offer approximately three activities which you can explore.